What’s the difference between a Nutritionist and a Dietitian? Click here to read more.
When to see our Specialist Dietitian?
- Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia, ARFID, orthorexia)
- Disordered eating (binge eating, restrictive eating, dieting)
- Non-diet approach to weight concerns (intuitive & mindful eating)
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Low FODMAPS
- Sports performance goals
What to expect in your first consultation?
- A lifestyle, medical and nutrition assessment
- Education on areas of concern
- Initial meal guide, recipe ideas, resources to support your goals
- Summary notes
What to expect in your followup consultations?
- A review of your successes and challenges
- Further education and tools to support behaviour change
- Refine your meal guide, recipe ideas, resources to support your goals
- Summary notes