Summer Salsa Pasta Salad

November 24, 2019
Posted in Recipes
November 24, 2019 Kate Morland

Being a mum of 4 little girls, I’ve always found it hard to get salsa ingredients into their diets, they typically turn their noses up at ‘squishy’ tomato, ‘spicy’ red onion, although they love cucumber! So this recipe came about as I was trying to get rid of some homemade salsa and with a bit of a puree it got demolished. Feel free to get creative with the spices and toppings and serve warm or cold.

Ingredients – Serve 2-4 main or side

• Wholemeal pasta 250g
• 2 tomatoes finely diced
• ½ red onion finely diced
• 1 capsicum finely diced
• ½ cucumber finely diced
• Salt and pepper
• ½ Lemon juiced
• 1 Tbsp oil
• 50g feta
• Fresh basil or parsley or spinach
• ¼ cup seeds e.g. pumpkin, sunflower

  1. Bring a large pot of water to boil and add pasta. Cook according to packet instructions.
  2. Meanwhile finely dice the vegetables and combine with lemon, S+P, oil in a dish. Reserve half for a topping. Place the other half into a food processor and blitz with feta until smooth. Season if desired with extra lemon or spice up with paprika or chilli if no kids!
  3. Drain pasta, stir through pureed salsa (this is what I serve to the kiddies maybe with some tuna or chicken)
  4. To jazz it up I like to add the extra chunky salsa, seeds and fresh herbs. Sprinkle with paprika or cayenne pepper or extra herbs.
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