Just a gut feeling…

February 14, 2022
Posted in Nutrition
February 14, 2022 Chelsea Lorkin

Have you ever heard the saying ‘the gut is our second brain’ and wondered why?

Put yourself in a situation where you have eaten something that hasn’t agreed with you. Have you notice that when this happens, every other function in your body seems to go into emergency mode. Maybe you struggle to think, or you find it hard to get up and go for a walk, or even the simple task of drinking water takes a toll. This is because your gut is communicating to your brain that something isn’t quite right.

So why is gut health important?

A healthy gut is important because it means food is being absorbed (taking out the important nutrients) and digested properly (using the food as fuel). This helps with your mental health, immune system, and providing your muscles, especially your heart, nutrients and energy.

However, sometimes our gut can misbehave and will let out warning signs such as:

  • Constipation and/or diarrhea
  • Irregular bowel movements
  • Upset stomach/stomach cramps
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Feeling fatigued

If you start to feel these symptoms regularly, it could be an indication of IBS (irritable bowel-syndrome) or other food intolerances. The most common foods that can cause an unhealthy gut are FODMAPS.

FODMAPS are carbohydrates that are rapidly fermented in the gut and can be poorly absorbed for some people. These can include dairy, onion, apples, avocado and so much more. This can cause the symptoms listed above (it’s important to note that symptoms can differ between people and within the individual). A low FODAP diet consist of eliminating these foods for a period of time and then slowing reintroducing back into the diet.

The list of FODMAP foods is quite extensive, therefore, it is important to menu plan. Seeking advice from a professional Dietitian/Nutritionist is recommended as they have the knowledge and expertise to substitute foods, allowing you to receive enough energy and nutrients in your diet. They can also provide you with support throughout the FODMAP process as it can cause a dramatic change to your diet and lifestyle.

A low FODMAP diet has been shown to:

  • Reduce pain and discomfort
  • Reduce bloating and distension
  • Improve bowel habit
  • Improve quality of life

For advice on the low FODMAP diet or any other gut health issues book an appointment with our Dietitian, Kate, at https://studiorubix.co.nz/nutrition/ 

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