Nurturing Mental Health Through Movement

September 19, 2024
September 19, 2024 Kate Morland

Nurturing Mental Health Through Movement

By Kamin Clarke

In the pursuit for holistic well-being, mental health deserves as much attention as physical fitness. The integration of mental health awareness into our practice can enhance not only your physical personal but also our emotional well-being. Let’s explore how you can use your sessions as tools for mental health and discover practical tips to guide you along the way.

Practical Tips for Integrating Mental Health Awareness into Your Fitness Routine

  1. Set Intentions & Staying Present:

Before each session, take a moment to slow down and set positive intentions. Whether it’s focusing on self-compassion, releasing stress, or simply being present, setting an intention can guide your practice. This approach can transform your workout into a powerful ritual of self-care. Make each breath count by synchronizing it with your movements, creating a rhythm that promotes relaxation and focus.

  1. Celebrate Small Wins & Incorporate Reflection:

After your sessions, take a few moments to reflect on how you’re feeling. Acknowledge and celebrate your progress (no matter how small), as well as your pit-falls. Each milestone or ‘set-back’ is a testament to your dedication and growth. Practice self kindness and acknowledge that your body will have its high’s and low’s – deepening your self-awareness and promoting emotional balance.

Journaling for Mental Health: How to Get Started and Stay Consistent

Journaling can be an invaluable tool for mental health, offering a space for self-reflection and emotional processing. Here’s a guide on how to get started:

  1. Use Prompts

To get started, use journaling prompts to guide your writing. Here are some prompts to consider:

  • What are three things I appreciate about my life right now?

  • Reflect on a recent compliment or positive feedback I received. How did it make me feel?

  • What small, everyday joys can I celebrate today?

  • Who in my life brings me joy, and how can I express my gratitude to them?

  • What positive changes have I noticed in myself recently? How can I build on these changes?

  • What is one thing I’m grateful for today, and why?

  • Describe a recent challenge I faced. How did I handle it, and what did I learn from the experience?

  • What are three qualities I admire in myself? How can I cultivate these qualities further?

  1. Review and Reflect

Allowing yourself to be honest in your journaling. Don’t shy away from difficult emotions, but also practice self-compassion and focus on positive aspects of your life. Periodically review your journal entries; observe patterns, track progress etc. Reflecting on your writing provides insights and highlights areas of growth.

Physical & Mental Effects of Over-Exercising

Over-exercising, or engaging in excessive physical activity, can have significant impacts on both mental and physical health. While regular exercise is beneficial, overdoing it can lead to a range of negative effects. Here is a look at how over-exercising can affect your well-being:

  • Chronic Fatigue:

    • Overtraining Syndrome: This condition is characterized by persistent fatigue, decreased performance, and prolonged recovery times. It occurs when the body doesn’t have adequate time to rest and recover between workouts

  • Muscle Loss and Decreased Strength 

    • Catabolic State: Excessive exercise can lead to a catabolic state, where the body breaks down muscle tissue for energy, resulting in muscle loss and decreased strength

  • Increased Anxiety and Stress

    • An obsession with exercise can become a source of stress, contributing to anxiety about meeting exercise goals or body image concerns.

  • Body Image Issues 

    • Unrealistic Expectations and Compulsive Behavior: Excessive focus on exercise can contribute to unhealthy preoccupation with body image

Tips for Balancing Exercise and Mental Health

  • Listen to your body

    • Rest, Recovery & Recognizing Signs of Overtraining: Ensure you’re incorporating adequate rest and recovery days into your exercise routine and be aware of symptoms such as: fatigue, soreness, and irritability that may indicate overtraining

  • Set Realistic Goals

    • Moderation: Set achievable exercise goals and avoid pushing yourself to extremes. Aim for a balanced routine that includes various forms of exercise and ample rest

  • Focus on Enjoyment 

    • Varied Activities: Engage in a variety of physical activities that you enjoy! Rather than solely focusing on intense exercise – enhance overall satisfaction

Incorporating these practices into your fitness routine, journaling habits, and understanding of implicit bias can significantly enhance both your mental and physical well-being. By nurturing your mental health through movement, reflection, and education, you’re taking meaningful steps towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.


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